Учебник пения по Гароде, Лаблашу, Гарсиa, Дюпре, Панофке, Чинти-Даморо, Ваккаи, Пансерону и др.
Уровень образования:
Бакалавриат, Магистратура, Аспирантура, Специалитет
Вид издания
учебное пособие
116 с.
20,5*29 см
5-е изд., испр.
Павел Константинович Бронников (1844 – около 1913) — русский певец (тенор), педагог, либреттист. Выступал на оперных сценах Санкт-Петербурга и Киева, вел класс сольного пения в Санкт-Петербургской консерватории. Книга «Учебник пения», в которой Бронников изложил принципы вокальных методик известных европейских оперных певцов-педагогов, впервые увидела свет в 1880 г. и выдержала несколько прижизненных изданий. Пособие адресовано вокалистам, студентам и педагогам музыкальных училищ и вузов и широкому кругу любителей пения.
Pavel Konstantinovich Bronnikov (1844 — circa 1913) was a Russian singer (tenor), teacher, librettist. He performed on the opera stages of St. Petersburg and Kiev, taught a solo singing class at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. The book “Textbook of Singing”, in which Bronnikov outlined the principles of vocal techniques of famous European opera singing teachers, was first published in 1880 and had several editions during his lifetime. The textbook is addressed to vocalists, students and teachers at music colleges and higher schools and a wide range of lovers of singing.
Pavel Konstantinovich Bronnikov (1844 — circa 1913) was a Russian singer (tenor), teacher, librettist. He performed on the opera stages of St. Petersburg and Kiev, taught a solo singing class at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. The book “Textbook of Singing”, in which Bronnikov outlined the principles of vocal techniques of famous European opera singing teachers, was first published in 1880 and had several editions during his lifetime. The textbook is addressed to vocalists, students and teachers at music colleges and higher schools and a wide range of lovers of singing.