Избранные клавирные произведения.
Уровень образования:
Бакалавриат, Магистратура, СПО, Специалитет
Вид издания
60*90 1/8
Иоганн Филипп Кирнбергер (1721-1783) — теоретик музыки, композитор, младший современник и ученик великого И. С. Баха. Музыкант оставил внушительное теоретическое и композиторское наследие. Значительную часть его клавирных сочинений составляют танцы — полонезы, менуэты, гавоты и др. Издание адресовано ученикам средних и старших классов дмш, студентам музыкальных училищ и вузов, любителям инструментальной музыки.
Johann Philipp Kirnberger (1721–1783) was a music theorist, composer, younger contemporary and student of the great J. S. Bach. The musician left an impressive legacy as a theorist and a composer. A significant part of his keabord compositions are dances - polonaises, minuets, gavottes, etc.
The edition is addressed to pupils of middle and senior grades of children’s music schools, students of music colleges and universities, and fans of instrumental music.
Johann Philipp Kirnberger (1721–1783) was a music theorist, composer, younger contemporary and student of the great J. S. Bach. The musician left an impressive legacy as a theorist and a composer. A significant part of his keabord compositions are dances - polonaises, minuets, gavottes, etc.
The edition is addressed to pupils of middle and senior grades of children’s music schools, students of music colleges and universities, and fans of instrumental music.