Стихи и речь.
Уровень образования:
Вид издания
учебное пособие для СПО
268 с.
13*20 см
1-е изд.
Книга кандидата искусствоведения, профессора кафедры сценической речи РГИСИ, актрисы и режиссёра Е. И. Чёрной обращена к проблеме взаимопроникновения и взаимовлияния речи как естественного способа общения и стихов как особого вида словесного творчества. В данной работе автор особенно заинтересован проблемой перехода дисциплинированных стиховых ритмов в слово, содержащее свободные, но влияющие на речь ритмы. Одна из глав книги отдана проблеме стихового воспитания ребёнка.
Книга предназначена студентам и преподавателям средних специальных учебных заведений.
The book by the candidate of art history, professor of the stage speech department of RSISA, actress and director E.I. Chernaya addresses the problem of the interpenetration and interaction of speech as a natural way of communication and poetry as a special kind of verbal creativity. In this work, the author is particularly interested in the problem of the transition of disciplined verbal rhythms into a word containing rhythms that are free but affecting speech. One of the book’s chapters is devoted to the problem of a child’s poetical education.
The book is intended for students and teachers of colleges.
Книга предназначена студентам и преподавателям средних специальных учебных заведений.
The book by the candidate of art history, professor of the stage speech department of RSISA, actress and director E.I. Chernaya addresses the problem of the interpenetration and interaction of speech as a natural way of communication and poetry as a special kind of verbal creativity. In this work, the author is particularly interested in the problem of the transition of disciplined verbal rhythms into a word containing rhythms that are free but affecting speech. One of the book’s chapters is devoted to the problem of a child’s poetical education.
The book is intended for students and teachers of colleges.