Школа игры на баяне
Уровень образования:
Вид издания
учебное пособие для СПО
220 с.
20,5*29 см
1-е изд.
Опираясь на сложившиеся традиции начального обучения игре на баяне, автор стремится учитывать сегодняшние достижения детской музыкальной педагогики, обобщает опыт ведущих российских специалистов. Подобное издание призвано облегчить работу педагогов детских музыкальных школ на начальном этапе обучения, предоставить возможность детям и их родителям более самостоятельно осваивать азы обучения игре на баяне. Необходимые теоретические и методические сведения изложены в наглядной и доступной форме.
Пособие адресовано студентам средних специальных учебных заведений.
Basing on the established traditions of elementary teaching to play the button accordion, the author strives to consider the current achievements of children's music education, summarizes the experience of leading Russian specialists. Such a publication is intended to facilitate the work of teachers at children's music schools at the primary stage of education, to provide an opportunity for children and their parents to master the basics of self-learning to play the button accordion. The necessary information on theory and methods is presented in a visual and understandable way.
The textbook is addressed to students of colleges.
Пособие адресовано студентам средних специальных учебных заведений.
Basing on the established traditions of elementary teaching to play the button accordion, the author strives to consider the current achievements of children's music education, summarizes the experience of leading Russian specialists. Such a publication is intended to facilitate the work of teachers at children's music schools at the primary stage of education, to provide an opportunity for children and their parents to master the basics of self-learning to play the button accordion. The necessary information on theory and methods is presented in a visual and understandable way.
The textbook is addressed to students of colleges.