Избранные этюды для фортепиано.
Уровень образования:
Бакалавриат, Магистратура, СПО, Специалитет
Вид издания
60*90 1/8
Чешский композитор, пианист-виртуоз, педагог Игнац Мошелес (1794-1870) — автор 8 концертов для фортепиано с оркестром, многочисленных фортепианных пьес и этюдов. Сочинениям Мошелеса свойственны виртуозность, колористическое разнообразие, салонная элегантность. 24 характеристичных этюда ор. 70 по сей день входят в учебный репертуар пианистов. В сборник также вошли 2 этюда ор. 98 и 2 этюда ор. 105. Издание адресовано ученикам средних и старших классов ДМШ, студентам музыкальных училищ и вузов.
Ignaz Moscheles (1794–1870), the Czech composer, virtuoso pianist and a teacher, was the author of 8 concertos for piano and orchestra, numerous piano pieces and studies. The works by Moscheles are characterized by virtuosity, a variety of colours, a salon grace. 24 characteristic studies, op. 70 to this day are included in the educational repertoire of pianists. The collection also includes 2 etudes, op. 98 and 2 etudes, op. 105.
The edition is addressed to pupils of the medium and senior grades of children’s music schools, students of music colleges and universities.
Ignaz Moscheles (1794–1870), the Czech composer, virtuoso pianist and a teacher, was the author of 8 concertos for piano and orchestra, numerous piano pieces and studies. The works by Moscheles are characterized by virtuosity, a variety of colours, a salon grace. 24 characteristic studies, op. 70 to this day are included in the educational repertoire of pianists. The collection also includes 2 etudes, op. 98 and 2 etudes, op. 105.
The edition is addressed to pupils of the medium and senior grades of children’s music schools, students of music colleges and universities.